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The LACRIMA Foundation granted Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC


As part of its goal to strengthen opportunities for the LACRIMA Foundation natural beekeeping community to engage with policymaking bodies at the international and national levels, LACRIMA Foundation is pleased to announce that it has been granted Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).




ECOSOC Special Consultative Status provides LACRIMA Foundation affiliates with opportunities to engage with ECOSOC, its many subsidiary bodies, ad-hoc processes on small arms, and special events organized by the President of the General Assembly. The LACRIMA Foundation’s status allows members to attend events, submit oral and written statements to United Nations proceedings, and request consultations with United Nations bodies. It also allows the LACRIMA Foundation to nominate their affiliates for grounds passes to access United Nations facilities in New York, Geneva, and Vienna.

United Nations

What we gained as NGO in consultative status

The ECOSOC Resolution 1996/31 specifies the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Consultative Status are entitled to attend international conferences and events, make written and oral statements at these events, organize side events, enter United Nations premises and have opportunities to network and lobby.



NGOs that are accredited with ECOSOC can participate in a number of events, including, but not limited to, the sessions/meetings of ECOSOC, its functional commissions and its other subsidiary bodies. At these events, NGO may attend official meetings, submit written statements prior to sessions, make oral statements, meet official government delegations and other NGO representatives, organize and attend parallel events that take place during the session and participate in debates, interactive dialogues, panel discussions and informal meetings.

To support this great cause please order your Lacrima Challenge Bracelet or if the destination of your purchase is outside the UK, please click on the button below and we will be glad to assist.



How It Works

STEP 1 --> Put on the bracelet. You are now on day 1 of your 21-day challenge.
STEP 2 --> Learn about the Bees. Each day discover one new fact about the Bees.
STEP 3 --> If not, move the bracelet to the other wrist. Start over - you are on day 1.
STEP 4 --> Patience and persistence. Complete the 21-day challenge. Think Bees to save humanity.

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